News Magazine

Friday 24 May 2013

Neighbours, Schoolmates Tell Opposing Tales Of Woolwich Terrorist’s Character

Former neighbours and schoolmates of Michael Adebolajo, one of the two men involved in the brutal murder of a British soldier, Lee Rigby, in Woolwich, South East London, have continued to reveal what they know about Adebolajo’s character.
While his former schoolmates said they remembered him as a “good guy” who would help anyone in need, some former neighbours of his maintained they remembered him as a teenager who tended towards violent acts.
Writing on the Facebook page of a local newspaper Mr. Adebolajo’s former school mate, Darren Marsh, said: “He was always a good guy at school (who would) do anything for anyone….He was a clever guy but he was cheeky. He acted a bit like a gangster, but I think it was just image. I’d never have seen him as a Muslim extremist.”
Another schoolmate told another newspaper, Romford Recorder: “I know a lot can change in 10 years – but, whether or not he liked you, he’d stick up for you. I was bullied myself, and he was the one who put a stop to it.”
A female schoolfriend said she knew Mr. Adebolajo from Marshalls Park School in Romford, adding that “he was funny, hilarious. He was a down to earth, nice guy; there was nothing out of the ordinary, nothing you would have thought obviously this would have happened.”
On the flip side, a former neighbour, Kemi Ibrahim-Adeoti, said Mr. Adebolajo once threw a brick at his own parents’ car window after he got involved with a gang of youths from East London.
Graham Silverton, who lived two doors down from the family, said Mr. Adebolajo assaulted a girl after a petty row.
“A previous neighbour went to retrieve a ball. When Michael answered the door he gave her a load of abuse and punched her in the mouth.”
A female neighbour, who asked not to be identified, said she was told Mr. Adebolajo spat in the girl’s face before he punched her.
Hate Cleric Who Mentored Adebolajo
A muslim cleric, Anjem Choudary on Thursday admitted that he turned Michael Adebolajo to extremism and that he was only “making his voice heard in blood”.
Mr. Choudary who said he had met Mr. Adebolajo in a mosque back in 2003 said, however, that he did condone the attack on the soldier.
Mr. Choudary further disclosed that he knew Mr. Adebolajo by the name Mujahid. “He was a pleasant, quiet guy….He was interested in Islam, in memorising the Quran. He disappeared about two years ago. “I don’t know what influences he has been under since then,” he added.
An individual by the name Abu Nusaybah, confirmed Mr. Choudary’s claims on Twitter and described how Mr. Adebolajo had grown more fervid in his views in recent years. He also referred to him by the nickname “Mujahid” – warrior.
“I knew Mujahid had changed. Last time I saw him, he had memorized so much Quran and was very strict and precise on his worship and manners.”
He added: “Mujahid was a strong character, but I remember years back Foreign Policy would bring him to tears – then he just went quiet.”
Mr. Adebolajo was born in 1984 and is said to have been raised by a devout and loving Christian family but rebelled in his teens.

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